Visual Impairments Education in Writing short line Understanding how students with visual impairments are taught to write. About Project View Empowering students to write Understanding instructional practices and promoting teacher collaboration. Watch Our Video Student with visual impairment writing device close up

Research Purpose

Project VIEW seeks to advance our understanding of writing instruction practices for students with visual impairments (VI) to support their academic success.

The study will provide a comprehensive look at:
Icon with Nebraska state shape and visual impairment sign
Writing instruction for students with visual impairments across Nebraska
Icon with a collaborative hand shake
Who is collaborating to teach writing to students with visual impairments
Icon with tablet, pen, and paper to signify writing techniques
How writing is taught to students with visual impairments

Our Mission

Our mission is to build knowledge around writing instruction for students with visual impairments by exploring teacher practices, student characteristics, and other important factors to improve outcomes for students.

Our Vision

We believe in expanding ideas around writing instruction that stretch conventional definitions, strengthen collaboration, and improve practices among teachers, while empowering all students with visual impairments to express themselves through writing.

Study Goals

  • Describe the current practices teachers of students with visual impairments and general education teachers use to help students with VI learn to write.
  • Identify malleable factors associated with teacher writing practices.
  • Identify possible moderators that may explain or influence writing instruction.
  • Examine the influence of malleable factors on student writing outcomes through teacher writing practices, considering potential moderators.

Empowering students with visual impairments to express themselves through writing.